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Motel Lomazzo

Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan, offering 188 fully renovated rooms. It provides a welcoming and stylish restaurant, as well as convenient access to Milan, the Rho exhibition center, airports, and the lakes. Leggi tutto →
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Experience Modern Luxury and Convenience at Just Hotel Lomazzo
Motel Lomazzo - Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan, offering 188 fully renovated rooms. It provides a welcoming and stylish restaurant, as well as convenient access to Milan, the Rho exhibition center, airports, and the lakes. The hotel prioritizes privacy, with a 24-hour reception and the option for guests to check-in directly from their car and park in front of their room. It is situated near the Milan-Como highway, close to the Rho-Pero exhibition center and Milan-Malpensa Airport. The hotel offers standard double rooms starting from 79 euros and junior suites with a whirlpool bath. (vedi le fonti)

Altre informazioni, opinioni e recensioni:

UltimissimoMinuto Il Just Hotel Lomazzo: comfort e design a nord di Milano
Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan, offering 188 fully renovated rooms. It provides a welcoming and stylish restaurant, ... / ...
UltimissimoMinuto Il Just Hotel Lomazzo: un'oasi di comfort e design a nord di Milano
Il Just Hotel Lomazzo è un moderno hotel 4 stelle situato a nord di Milano. Offre 188 camere completamente ristrutturate nel febbraio 2016, un ristorante ...
UltimissimoMinuto Experience Modern Luxury and Convenience at Just Hotel Lomazzo
Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan, offering 188 fully renovated rooms. It provides a welcoming and stylish restaurant, ...
UltimissimoMinuto Offerte speciali e servizi esclusivi al Just Hotel Lomazzo
Just Hotel Lomazzo offre camere doppie standard a partire da 75 euro con sconto del 25%, junior suite con idromassaggio a 110 euro con sconto del 32%, ...
UltimissimoMinuto Just Motel Lomazzo: eleganza e comfort a nord di Milano
Just Motel Lomazzo è un moderno hotel a quattro stelle situato a nord di Milano, a pochi minuti dalla fiera di Rho e dagli aeroporti. Dispone di 188 camere ...
UltimissimoMinuto Hotel Lomazzo: comfort e design a nord di Milano
Just Hotel Lomazzo è un moderno hotel 4 stelle situato a nord di Milano, vicino alla fiera di Rho e agli aeroporti. Le 188 camere sono state completamente ...
UltimissimoMinuto Just Hotel Lomazzo: A Modern and Convenient 4-Star Hotel near Milan
Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan. It offers 188 completely renovated rooms, a cozy and design restaurant, and a convenient ...
UltimissimoMinuto Just Hotel Lomazzo: l'hotel di classe a nord di Milano
Just Hotel Lomazzo is a modern 4-star hotel located north of Milan, offering 188 fully renovated rooms. It provides a welcoming and stylish restaurant, ... / ...
UltimissimoMinuto Just Hotel Lomazzo: comfort e design a nord di Milano
Just Hotel Lomazzo è un moderno hotel 4 stelle situato a nord di Milano, offre camere doppie standard a partire da 79 euro e junior suite con idromassaggio ...
UltimissimoMinuto 2 Case Vacanza, B&B e Hotel a Lomazzo


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