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Villaggio Azzurro Fertilia
Fertilia Villaggio Azzurro is a tourist facility located in front of the sandy beach of Fertilia, in Sardinia. The structure offers holiday homes and services for maintenance of common green areas and centralized water reserve system.
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Fertilia Villaggio Azzurro: A Picturesque Retreat with Beachfront Luxury
Villaggio Azzurro Fertilia - Fertilia Villaggio Azzurro is a tourist facility located in front of the sandy beach of Fertilia, in Sardinia. The structure offers holiday homes and services for maintenance of common green areas and centralized water reserve system. The area is known for its picturesque beauty and rich history. The campsite features a large water park and a beautiful, uncrowded beach. The Laguna Blu campsite offers rooms and mobile homes with satellite TV and a patio. The facility is located 4 km from Alghero and 20 meters from the nearest beach. Various public tenders have been issued for maintenance services at the Villaggio Azzurro Fertilia. (
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