
Sant'Agata sui Due Golfi e dintorni
Eventi di September October 2024

International Festival of Journalism and Book Inquiry

June 4 - July 2, Sant'Agata sui due Golfi

The fourth edition of the festival showcasing journalism and investigative books in the square of Sant'Agata sui due Golfi.

Limoni in Festa 2024

July 11 - July 14, Massa Lubrense

Four days of celebrations featuring the authentic taste of Massa Lubrense, from seafood to traditional dishes.

Jazzlive September

September, Mare culturale urbano

Enjoy a jazz quartet performance with Tino Tracanna and Massimo.

Discussion on Global Conflicts

August 30, Sant'Agata sui due Golfi

Join the conversation on global conflicts from the war in Ukraine to the massacre in Gaza.

Courses at Nusco Convent Center

Ongoing, Nusco

Sign up for courses at the beautiful Nusco Convent Center offering a variety of classes.

Space - French Fuse

Ongoing, France

Check out the latest events and openings on their website for a unique experience.

Agrifood Future 2024

September 8, Salerno

Andrea Prete champions Italy's agri-food sector with innovation and sustainability at this event.

Control and Seizure of Ortofrutta

September 16

Authorities seize 20 tons of fruits and vegetables at the Maas market.

Aggiornamento del 17-09-2024 - Informazioni generate automaticamente sulla base di fonti esterne da sistemi di AI e che potrebbero in alcuni casi risultare inacccurate, errate o comunque non disponibili su UltimissimoMinuto (vedi le fonti)
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